Treatment of wrinkles, facial rejuvenation and harmonization of the face with Hyaluronic acid

As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity and begins to show the signs of aging. Facial fillers can gently relieve wrinkles and increase the volume of certain areas in a subtle way.

It is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that allows us to hide a lot of static wrinkles (aging wrinkles not directly related to the muscles) and depressions.

If you want to reduce facial wrinkles, hyaluronic acid can be a good option as a dermal filler because of its compatibility with the human body.

In fact, this substance is found in almost all living things. In humans it acts as a network that transfers essential nutrients from the bloodstream to skin cells.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body. High concentrations are found in soft connective tissues and in the fluid surrounding the eyes. It is also in some cartilage and joint fluids, as well as in the skin.

This same substance is often injected into the joints of people with arthritis to relieve pain and provide additional cushioning.

When this gel is injected, it acts as a cushion that is inflated to support facial structures and tissues that may have lost volume or elasticity due to normal aging. It also brings water to the surface of the skin to make it look fresh and supple.

Hyaluronic acid is not derived from animal sources. In recent decades, several synthetic forms of hyaluronic acid have been developed and used to correct disorders in the fields of rheumatology, ophthalmology, and wound repair. More recently, synthetic forms of hyaluronic acid are manufactured for aesthetic use especially at the facial level.

Types of Hyaluronic Acid:

Depending on the area to be treated, it is necessary to use different products. We have different preparations of hyaluronic acid with different density and durability that allow us to treat different areas in a personalized way such as:

  • Fine wrinkles of the face.
  • Medium wrinkles
  • Lips – profiling and filling.
  • Deep wrinkles.
  • Frown wrinkles previously treated with Botox.
  • Cheekbones – cheeks.

Method of application of hyaluronic acid:

Very small amounts of hyaluronic acid are injected into the face through very fine needles. Treatments usually take less than 30 minutes, depending on how many wrinkles are treated and the discomfort is usually minimal.

First, the surgeon will listen to the desired targets and then evaluate your facial appearance and skin tone, examining the areas of the face to be augmented with hyaluronic acid as a filler material.

Facial evaluation:

Next, the surgeon will mark strategic points on your face as guides to the right injection sites for filling, as part of your wrinkle removal treatment.

Anaesthesia. Topical local anesthesia can be applied, infiltrated by small punctures or hyaluronic acid containing anesthesia can be used.

Your injection sites will be cleaned with an antibacterial agent.

Injection. After cleaning the area to be treated, the product is injected. This step usually lasts a few minutes.

Clean again and apply cold to avoid inflammation. At this point you can apply makeup.


The result is immediately appreciated. If a small hematoma has occurred, it usually disappears soon.

Scars and deep wrinkles often require multiple injections to achieve the desired results. If a deeper injection is required, you will be offered a local anesthetic to be comfortable.

Common places for deeper tissue fillers are nasolabial folds and marionette lines, or to improve fullness in the cheeks.

The duration of the result varies depending on the product used and the depth of application of the same.